Distributor of Ideas

The Inertia

If you could hold your breath underwater for 24 minutes, you could get a lot done. Of course, if you were moving around, trying to spear fish or exert any amount of energy at all, there’s no way you could hold your breath that long. That’s why Aleix Segura Vendrell did it at the Mediterranean Dive Show in Cornellà, Barcelona late last winter.

But even if it was in a controlled environment, it’s still impressive. Watching the entire video isn’t necessary (he basically lies in a sedentary state) so just check out the start and the end, when Segura Vendrell re-emerges completely calm, having set the world record for breath holding at 24 minutes and three seconds. He doesn’t look like he’s about to faint or pass out either, which is probably the most impressive part of the whole thing.


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