Sharks, as you are aware, are in the ocean. And you, if you’re on this website, likely enjoy the ocean, which means you’ll be sharing it with them on occasion. Most of the time, you won’t even notice. Carlos Gauna, the guy who runs The Malibu Artist YouTube channel, notices them more than most, because he goes looking for them with a drone. He catches all sorts of incredible footage, not just of sharks, and this month was no different.
“This month,” he wrote, “I set out to film kayak fishermen in California. I was curious to see if any great white sharks could be found nearby. Kayak fishermen are actually (doing) a water activity I’ve not documented with sharks nearby in the past. That’s because I haven’t tried. This is footage from my very first day of trying. The results are not surprising.”
The footage prior to the kayaker shows just how common it is for great whites to be in the water with us, and maybe that’ll make you feel just a little bit better about it.
Learn more about sharks in Ocean Ramsey’s Guide to Sharks and Safety.