I like to surf. I like to surf good waves. But good waves often resemble an ant pile – lots of organisms moving about confusing one another. And good waves aren’t good as often as we’d like them to be. Especially when there’s wind. And that’s why pulling out a kite, or a wing, and going foiling where there is no lineup is the next best thing. This follow cam shows exactly how fun wing foiling is, and backs up what I’m talking about.
I like to call wing foiling “wilderness surfing.” You’re out in the middle of nowhere, riding downwind bump, still using your instincts to stay in waves (or link them together). And when you do ride waves near shore, the ones actually breaking on the sand, there’s nobody on them because they aren’t perfect. Wind does that to waves, in case you didn’t pick up on that? Which makes wing foiling a perfect way to stay in the water, even when surfing conditions aren’t ideal.
The video above comes courtesy of the YouTube page for one JD ‘FollowCam.’He’s put together some pretty insane follow cam edits including the one below.