“Just take a second and process this,” wrote Kelly Slater of the image above. “@surfnavarro kicked out right next to me and all I could do was give him a big hug.” Image: Instagram

If you’re a lover of surf and surf-related things, you’re probably aware that Cloudbreak is bombing right now. Like, bombing. The first hints of just how big it was going to get came last week when forecasters looked at two giant blobs charging towards Fiji. Most of the best big wave surfers packed their guns and booked flights. Kelly Slater, busted foot and all, did too.
As it filled in, it became apparent that this was not going to be a normal run of waves. This was going to be one of those swells—much like the Code Red swell—that won’t be forgotten about. “Today will never be forgotten,” Kelly Slater gushed on Instagram. “It was an honor to be in the presence of an ocean doing this. There is no better wave on this earth than Cloudbreak.”
So here, courtesy of the hashtag, is an Instagram roundup of the absolute insanity that went (and is currently) going down at one of the world’s best waves.