Editor’s Note: This feature is sponsored by House of Surf.
What if there was a way to fast track your progress from a complete beginner to an intermediate surfer?
It’s actually an opportunity that’s available to surfers through this free Learn to Surf Workshop.
Whether you’re someone who’s only surfed a handful of times or are creeping towards your first year of riding waves, I can you take you through an amazing interactive training workshop where you can improve your surfing drastically, simply by following along and watching these videos.
I’ve been teaching surfing around the world for many years, sharing techniques that speed up the transition from beginner to intermediate surfers in the shortest time possible, and my students have been getting some amazing results.
After a successful career representing Australia as a junior competitor and then competing on the WQS against the likes of Steph Gilmore and Layne Beachley, I began to focus my energy on sharing my knowledge and passion for surfing with others. Since then, I’ve been fortunate enough to have an impact on the lives of thousands of surfers, pushing them out of their comfort zone and achieving some great results along the way.
When you have the right guidance and direction with your surfing, you can just progress so, so much quicker. If you can get the nuanced, key fundamentals of surfing perfected, the rate of progress skyrockets. When you have all of this dialed, you’ll be able to push your surfing to the next level, which is where we all start doing turns, completing cutbacks, and being in full control of our surfboard.
Now, I’ve helped hundreds of my student’s transition from complete beginners — splashing around in the whitewater and feeling super self-conscious — into confident surfers, attacking green waves, in full control of their boards. But when I first started I was stuck in the cattle farms of the status quo surf schools and their traditional methods of teaching. And that status quo method is great for teaching tourists who visit the coast on holidays, looking for nothing more than to be able to go home with a story of how they learned to surf. But those methods are also short-sighted, effectively teaching students flawed techniques, creating shaky foundations that would essentially hold them back and stunt their progression.
Since going my own way and creating my own techniques, I’ve been able to help so many more people push their surfing to new levels. And it all started by taking a radically different approach. My core belief was that people are inherently capable and should have high expectations of their abilities. I just didn’t want to pander to the common narrative of “Get a huge board, learn to stand up, and that’s it, you’re surfing!” There’s so much more to surfing than simply just getting to your feet.
The thing that often gets missed is that progression is the most fun part of surfing. It’s a constant battle with yourself to improve.
Now at this point, the big question is “If I can already get to my feet, why do I need any coaching to improve, surely I can surf already?”
Well…yes and no. When I think about how it feels to be able to take off on an unbroken wave, the sensation of speed as you drop down the face, the sheer stoke of being in control on a wave, taking new lines, and learning new moves, I’m reminded of a recent student named Chloe. She’d been surfing for six months before we met, going through the usual motions of having a surf lesson with a local surf school, and then she was sent on her own way. She was so excited and so eager to improve but she just wasn’t seeing any progress. She was practicing every day, trying her hardest but it just didn’t seem to make any difference.
Soon after she’d come through my program and I’d highlighted the bad habits that were holding her back and showed her the advanced techniques and the correct foundations, she was seeing improvements. Now Chloe’s taking off on those green waves, she’s comfortable and confident in the lineup, and is now attacking sections, doing floaters, and having a lot of fun doing it all.
The funny thing is, as I keep teaching these techniques to my students, I find that it helps me and my surfing as well. It brings me back to the basics that really matter and it teaches me just how important good technique really is.
The workshop is going to be fully interactive and I want to be able to give my all to everyone who’s eager to learn and improve, so registration will only open for a short time. So first off, when you register for the workshop you’ll be treated to the first video lesson on paddling: How to catch more waves with less effort.
I have broken up this workshop into three sections, walking you through all of the steps to get you surfing with comfort and confidence. You’ll have access to the whole workshop material for the duration of the registration, so you’ll be able to go back over the material again and again. You’ll find that the ability to review the material at your own convenience is simply priceless and will really help. You’ll also be getting free downloadable PDF worksheets along with each lesson to follow along with to track your progress.
Here’s what you’ll be learning:
-The right techniques to pop up quickly, so eventually you can attack steep drops and improve your success rate.
-How to paddle like a pro and catch more waves with less effort.
-Learn the correct surf etiquette so you can feel at ease and fully confident in the lineup.
The bottom line is that we’ll cover a lot of ground over the next couple of weeks and you’re going to come out the other end with skills you can take with you for the rest of your surfing life. But I know that’s not enough. I want to take you beyond just knowing and right into action, so I’m also going to be giving you tasks and worksheets that will help you along the way.
If you want to come along for the ride, go ahead and click below and come and join me in the workshop.
With love,
P.S. One last thing that I need to mention: registration will be closing pretty soon, so if you want to get in don’t leave it too late.