GIF: ManCan

Imagine the possibilities! Evening cookout post trail hike or ride. Jam session after a sunset surf. Star gazing by a midnight campfire. All made better by “a one-gallon, personal keg system that keeps your favorite beer fresh, carbonated, and delicious.”
This beautiful thing is called the ManCan 128. Yep, the ManCan 128, or ManCan for short. Whoever chose that name deserves a gold star. Hell… give them the whole sheet of shiny stickers!
Where does the ManCan come from? They have a Kickstarter campaign with a video (below) that explains.
In fact, it seems there are a lot of people who feel the same way we do about his portable keg, having raised over $170,000 of their $70,000 goal with 12 days to go. Do you blame them? It’s stunning!

Photo: ManCan
And the mechanics behind this beaut are simple enough.

Photo: ManCan
Anyway, go ahead and put the packets of dehydrated beer aside — you’re embarrassing yourself.

Photo: ManCan