I am officially retired from surfing videos. I believe I have accomplished all I can over the last two decades, and The White Album is a combination of all new footage and the best maneuvers from my entire film library.
Back when I started the only way to see new maneuvers was to get the latest surfing video. Nowadays any great maneuver will be online in twenty-four hours. I will still be making surfing documentary films, but I am done forever with surfing videos. I had the time of my life and now it time to move on to a different chapter. I am looking forward to the theatrical release of The Westsiders.
You can see the progression of surfing in The White Album. It is amazing to see a Ratboy three sixty air from fifteen years ago right next to a Dane Reynolds three sixty air from this winter. The last wave of The White Album is a Dane Reynolds air. It was the biggest air I have ever filmed.
The White Album is currently available on The Surf Network.