It’s a bird, It’s a plane, It’s a Hexo+. The sky has been infiltrated by drones, and with all these aerial devices, there has to be operators…or does there?
The HEXO+ is capable of auto-following and auto-filming the subject. It’s able to fly at a maximum speed of 70km/h, and it can be controlled with a few simple gestures on the smartphone. This may be the solution that would make aerial filming possible in the most remote places: on mountains, in the snow, and in all sorts of unpredictable situations that were quite a pain to deal with when trying to sync a drone pilot, a cameraman and a rider. “Just attach your GoPro to your drone,” says the website, “set your framing in our app and you’re good to go!”
Their Kickstarter campaign has successfully raised over 1.3 million USD, funded by more than 2,000 backers from across the world. Now they are also taking pre-orders on their official website hexoplus.com. Be sure to stay updated on all things HEXO+ on Facebook and Twitter.