It’s been a full month of collecting jaw-dropping submissions for The Inertia Film & Photo Challenge 2021 presented by White Claw. We can confidently say that your inspiration is alive and well. Quite simply, we were blown away. Each category had stellar submissions, but the category that drew the most participation was this one: Lineups.
Unlike almost any other activity or sport on the planet, surfing is one where the playing field takes precedent over the participant. The wave is forever more enticing, more eye-catching, more impressive than the person surfing it. Our gaze is drawn to the ocean, the setting, an imagination of all the elements coming together to offer a surfer the ride we stare at with envy. Truth is, we don’t need the two subjects combined to get our gears spinning. Just give us a good lineup shot and mindsurf away.
With nearly 1,000 submissions (916 total, to be exact) featuring picture-perfect offshore winds, heaving barrels, and pulled-back views of the horizon, we were floored by your creativity and talent. Narrowing the field down to a final eight was an imperfect, subjective, and painstaking process; Certainly, there were submissions that a different set of eyes might have viewed as winners; so we humbly submit this batch of finalists acknowledging the task of determining a winner is a fool’s errand. But we committed to it, so we’re seeing it through and excited to dish out $1,000 cash to the winning photographer. We will announce the winners on March 15, 2021.
Without further ado, here are eight finalists in the Lineups category in The Inertia’s Film & Photo Challenge 2021 presented by White Claw.
Congratulations to all who participated, and best of luck to the finalists.
Finalists (in no particular order)
1. Perfection at Dawn by Austin Mullen @austinmullenphoto
2. Ocean Beach 2020 by Jack Bober @jackboberphoto
3. All By Muself by Alex Van Kampen @alexvkmedia
4. Tarifa Walks by @lucastozzi
5. Morning Views by Kalani Cummins @kalanicphotos
6. Cranky Pipeline by Brady L. @bradylaw
7. Moroccan Green Lines by Jose Postigo @josepostigo
8. Triple Double by @nosedrain
Editor’s Note: Finalists have been selected by The Inertia editorial team. Winners will be selected by averaging the scores of three judging groups: The Inertia editorial team, a jury of esteemed photographers and cinematographers, and public vote via Instagram.