The southwest region of Western Australia hosts a wide range of waves, from raw open-ocean slabs to friendly, mellow waves sprinkled with beginners.
The Box is the most well known of them all, aptly named due to the water sucking off the reef and creating a box-like appearance to the wave. It’s an unforgiving wave and for many years it was deemed unrideable. Half a meter to the right or left and a lack of commitment when taking off can cost you. Heavily. Once you’re into the wave it doesn’t get any easier, with a critical, steep or airdrop entry in the cards followed by ledges and boils to navigate.
In spite of all this, many say the risk is worth the reward. Standing tall in one of its square crystal blue, Indian Ocean caverns and getting spit into the channel is one of those moments worthy of a bucket list.
This edit shows the guts and glory of surfers tackling The Box.
Editor’s note: More can be found from filmmaker Alasdair Evans on YouTube here.