Get as many boards as you can and try them in different waves.

Get as many boards as you can and try them in different waves.

The Inertia

So you’ve built your quiver up to an impressive array of boards using the Board Engine on Now you just have to know when you can pull each one out and maximize its potential to expand your surfing horizon. First, let’s take a quick look at that quiver you’ve built.

Many of these boards can be used in a variety of conditions, but it’s really up to you, your style, or what “feel” you prefer while surfing. We will break down each board to what conditions they work best in and show you how your well-rounded quiver is more diverse than you think.

Option #1: Longboards and Logs

The classic style, or other similar traditional style longboards, are going to be great in a softer, rolling wave. “Logs,” as they are sometimes referred to, have a lower rocker and a nice long rail line that allows you to get into the softer, rolling waves very early. The momentum from the length and size of these boards carries you nicely through flat sections.

It doesn’t always have to be two-foot and glassy in order for you to pull that log out, though. These boards, under experienced feet, can handle waves up to head-high and slightly bigger. Even waves with a little more vertical face can be a blast on a boards like these.

From top to bottom: the 1-DA Shapes Classic, Noosa Longboards Tea Tree and the DMS Buddha.

From top to bottom: the 1-DA Shapes “Classic,” Noosa Longboards “Tea Tree,” and the DMS “Buddha.”

Option #2: Retro Fish Boards

The Vampirate Evil Twin, a super fun little twin keel fish shape board is perfect for those summer days when fun is in the air. Surprisingly nimble little machines, these boards paddle extremely well for their size and they’re super fast. They’re perfect for those small- to medium-sized days and in either mushy or steep waves. But don’t count them out when it’s head-high+ and barreling. A fish is a board that everyone should have in their quiver. It’ll open up new lines in your surfing, which translates well to when you hop back on your shorty.

dms charger vs evil twin by vampirate

Some nice artwork on the DMS “Charger” and the Vampirate “Evil Twin.

Option #3: Hybrids and Modern Quad Fishes

A board like the SUPER “Quadrofinia” is going to be similar to your twin keel fish but with more performance built into it. Usually, with a quad style fish like this, your rails will be a little thinner and the bottom contours will be a little more high performance. The quad fin setup gives you that speed and drive you love but with a little more control and maneuverability. Anything from knee-high to overhead is fair game with a board like this. You have to be careful though, your other boards may get jealous if you spend too much time with one of these.

SUPERbrand’s Shaper Collective members Jason Koons and Adam “Sparrow” Fletcher share their insight on the Quadrofinia model.

Option #4: Modern Fish and Simmons Inspired

The Panda “Doinker” is a board that fits somewhere between a fish and a Mini Simmons style of board. You can find boards of this style with either a twin keel or quad fin setup. The wider, blunt nose and wide tail gives this style of board plenty of surface area, adding to its ability to paddle in early and carry speed through flat sections. Since it has very low rocker and a blunt nose, they aren’t the best in hollow waves. But on a nice wall with a good slope, these boards are insane.

Again, two-foot to overhead and this board will be flying down the line and clearing sections that would normally outrun you. It carves hard and fast too. The quad setup gives you a little extra control when you want to push your turns a little harder.


Left: A Panda “Doinker” with a round shape and quad setup. On the right: a Misfit Shapes “Sinister Kid” with a little more forward volume and a 5-fin setup.

Option 5. Single Fin/Retro Performance

The Emery Single Fin is another board that fits well into the medium-sized days. Boards like this have a nice round nose and round tail, giving you the ability to paddle into waves like a longboard, but with a little more maneuverability. Setup as a single fin, or commonly a 2+1, these boards demand more glide and flow to your surfing approach—more surfing with the wave instead of tearing the wave up.

But again, you can’t count this board out on smaller or larger days. Depending on the size of the board, it can fit into the mid-length style of board, or shorter, stubby style of board. Both can be used when it’s one-foot or up to overhead under the right surfer. Super fun, more traditional feel to surfing is required with this one.

emery single fin

The Emery Single Fin with a nice retro throwback outline and single-fin setup.

new wavr box quad model

The Misfits Nu Wavr with a modern twist and an interesting Box + Quad setup.

Option #6.: Performance Hybrids

The DHD “Black Diamond,” or other similar hybrid style boards, are for those smaller days when you still want to rip around on a shortboard. This style of board usually incorporates elements from both a fish and a shortboard, giving you a wider nose and tail block area. These also give you more volume through the center but with higher performance bottom contours and rails. This allows you to get into those smaller waves earlier, but still shred like you would on your standard shorty. Built with knee-high to head-high waves in mind, these boards are very versatile in the size and condition of the waves.

But once again, try taking one out when it’s a little bigger. You’ll be surprised at how well they handle size once you get used to the low rocker and wider nose when coming out of turns. Also, check out the Warner “Fly Fish and the Eye Symmetry “Cali Quad.”

tom carroll on his 54 cali quad

Tom Carroll showing how he does it on his 5’4″ “Cali Quad” model from Eye Symmetry.

Option #7: Performance Shortboards

“The Flash” by John Pyzel is moving into the real of your standard shortboard. These have a nice refined outline, pulled in squash tail, high performance bottom contours, and usually a medium-low rail. Boards like this are the standard for a reason: they really do work in almost everything except really small or really big. Most boards of this style you can surf anywhere form knee-high to a couple of feet overhead with clean or junky conditions. This is another board that is a must in everyone’s quiver, as they’re reliable and can be taken anywhere in the world. Also, check out Matt Penn’s “R Nine,” the Gunther Rohn “G2 Pro,” and the Hammo “Speed R2.”

john john with his tahiti quiver

John John Florence (6’1″, 187 lbs) with his Pyzel 2014 Tahiti quiver. From left to right: 6’6″ Next step, 6’2″ Next Step, 6’1″ Bastard, 6’1″ Bastard, 6’1″ Flash, 5’11” Amigo, 5’11” Ghost

Option #8: All-Round Shortboards

The DHD “Skeleton Key,” is going to be similar to your standard shortboard, and it’s a great option if you’re going to travel or surf new spots. It has all the same attributes as a standard shortboard with a squash tail, but in a rounded or rounded-pin tail. This feature alone widens the versatility of the waves the board can handle, but it might hinder the high performance snappy turns that your squash gives you. If you can get past that, you’ll love this style of shortboard, as it’ll work in just about everything. Handles bigger size better, but it still floats you through smaller or flatter sections. It gives your more of a carving feel than snappy, and loves the barrel. Also, check out the JR “Cousin It,” the Lost “V2 Shortboard,” and the Chilli “Rare Bird.”

Option #9: High Performance Step-Ups

The AXE by ACSOD is a suitable name for its style of board, which is a step-up. Boards like this need to be in the quiver of surfers getting into advanced levels and higher. They’re used for those days where your standard shortboard won’t handle the size. Longer, slightly thicker, wide point in the center, and generally more volume all around makes for good paddling. Medium to full rails for stability, and single to double concave for speed and control. When your local turns on, or you’re going on a trip to Indo, make sure to leave room for your step-up. Other models include the Lost “Whiplash” and the Stacey Surfboards “Reaper.”

haydenshapes future flex hanging

A bunch of Haydenshapes boards hanging in a row in FutureFlex construction.

Option #10: Step-Up Barrel Boards

The Shred Sled King” by Haydenshapes is the step-up board for those who love that single fin feel. Boards like this generally keep the wide point forward a bit for paddling, and keeps a nice pulled in pin tail to hold you tight in the barrel. It’s not the most maneuverable of boards, but it’s the kind of board you want to pull out when all you want to do is get barreled. They get you in early and hold a nice line in steep waves. Take a board like this out in hollow waves anywhere around head-high+. Also, check out the Premier” by Matt Penn.

The Rundown

There you have it, folks: one of many dream quivers any of us can aim for. But please note, this is not a set-in-stone description of these boards, or the waves they’re suited for. Your surfing style, creativity, and ability all come into play on the type of boards you can surf in any given condition. I have seen longboards in the barrel just like I have seen shortboards in small sloppy waves. It’s surfing after all. There are no rules, but try it all and stay within your limits.

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