Tamayo Perry tributes have flooded the internet since his shocking passing on Sunday following a shark attack. His wife, Emilia Perry, spoke with ABC News to share her own thoughts following the tragedy. While she’s understandably devastated, she acknowledged feeling a “weird calmness” believing he’s in a better place.
“It was like I was on the best 25-year vacation of my life with him and now it’s over,” she said, adding that the legacy left behind by Tamayo included (teaching) “how to be a better human. To love everybody when you have them because you never know when they’re going to be taken away.”
With that in mind, Perry’s memorial service plans have been shared. Appropriately, the celebration of life will be held just a stone’s throw from the lineup at Pipeline at Ehukai Beach Park.
“We all want to be the hero of our own story, one of the redeeming characteristics of humanity is our desire to follow our convictions always and without fear. Few of us are able to truly be that hero. Tamayo Perry was is and will be forever,” the announcement said. “He was everyone’s big brother, stern and uncompromising with an infectious and kolohe smile. He was your rescuer in time of need, your safety when all things fell apart. He was a knight forged in the fires of the North Shore in the ’90s, his faith in Christ the rock upon which he stood. Few are those who truly follow in the footsteps of Jesus, Tamayo never took his eyes off the path. Tragic though his passing may be, he left this world doing what he loved where he loved to do it. We find strength in knowing he is in heaven with our Lord Jesus Christ, trading barrels at Pipeline with his friends that have gone before him.”
The memorial is planned for Sunday, July 14 at 3 p.m.
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