It’s a view that never gets old. Photo: BBC//YouTube

If you’re even slightly hooked into the surfing world, you know Nazaré. I’d bet that, if you were to ask a bunch of people who haven’t even got a cursory knowledge of surfing to name a wave, Nazaré would be the one.
It captures the eye like no other place, not only because it’s home to the biggest waves on the planet, but because it is uniquely situated to be incredibly photogenic. Of course, we’ve all seen it a million times — not that it ever gets old — but let’s face it, it’s tough to beat the camera operators at BBC Earth.
The clip you see here is from BBC’s Spectacular Earth, a natural history documentary that looks at the science behind all sorts of amazing phenomena. Things lik volcanoes, auroras, and of course, what they call “megawaves.”
Using special camera equipment in the water, on the cliff, and in the sky, the BBC team captured Nazaré is a way that’s both familiar and brand new.