Surf Lakes' research and development facility.

Surf Lakes confirmed on Monday their first public pool would be on the Gold Coast of Australia, one of the most wave-rich regions in the world. Photo: Surf Lakes

The Inertia

As one of the most wave-rich regions in the world, the Gold Coast of Australia certainly makes for an odd location to plop down a public wave pool. Why not a more wave-starved locale with less competing (and free!) surf to go around? All the same, Surf Lakes – who unveiled their Mad Max-like artificial wave tech in October of last year – confirmed in a Monday press release that the first commercial facility will be built on the Gold Coast.

“Given Robina (Gold Coast, Queensland) is Surf Lakes’ “home town,” the company is committed to providing a facility within the Gold Coast region and has been in constant dialogue with local and state government officials with very positive outcomes,” the release explains. “Surf Lakes has been scouring the Gold Coast for suitable land, and at present has selected an appropriate site in a location that is centrally located and easily accessible for residents and tourists.”

Additional details about the exact location on the Gold Coast the facility will be built are scant.

Mal Borgeaud, Surf Lakes’ newly-appointed CEO, explained that efforts to create a public surf park on the Gold Coast have been met with overwhelming support from local officials who are no doubt hoping they can sell the notion of jobs and more tourism dollars to their constituents.

“As a company, we are tremendously excited to be announcing our commitment to building a facility on the Gold Coast. We have been overwhelmed by the support and encouragement we have received from both the Council and the Queensland Government,” he said. “It makes sense, with the Gold Coast being our home town, that we construct a commercial facility here. We know the facility will bring tremendous benefits to the community, not just by providing waves and surf-oriented fun… it will be a boost for employment, tourism, and the local economy.”

How large of a “boost” to the local economy Surf Lakes’ first public facility will be will largely depend on how many people actually surf the place. And if the surf hitting the Gold Coast in recent days courtesy of Cyclone Oma is any indication, good days at The Superbank rival even the best artificial wave technology. In the author’s humble opinion, a good one when the place is firing on all cylinders is actually better than what any wave pool is able to produce at the moment.

According to the release, Surf Lakes hopes to begin construction on the facility in late 2019 or early 2020 and tentatively plans to open late 2020.


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