Filling out an order card or even picking a fresh board off the rack can be one of the most stressful times in a surfer’s life. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Should I go 5’11 or 5’10? And what if the rails are too boxy? Should I get something retro and a little different? Or should I snag a high-performance thruster? What if I don’t love it? Because my last board was 2 and 5/16ths, but I got 2 and 3/8ths. I knew I shouldn’t have gone with that extra 16th of an inch!
And let’s not even talk about the world of knowledge your shaper is about to send flying completely over your head. It all adds up to way too much second guessing and over-thinking the process of buying a piece of foam that, let’s face it, you probably shouldn’t be on anyway. But since you’re the same height and weight as Dane Reynolds, obviously you should just mimic his quiver, right? Wrong. This hilarious infograph from Union Surfboards and Indoek will remind you that there are more important things to consider when you pick out your next board. For example, are you going retro? And if so, are we talking Miami Vice or Boogie Nights retro? Because there’s a board for that.
Surfing’s fun, people. So have fun with it. Here’s a link to the full-sized image.