Peruvian pro surfer Sofia Mulanovich has partnered with Swatch to give back to the community that gave so much to her. This year she is going on the hunt for the best young talent, ages 10-15, up and down the coast of Peru.
There will be four searching days to select ten candidates to become residents of the academy. The first day is November 8 at Los Muelles in San Bartolo followed by Caballeros, Punta Hermosa on November 9. The final two searching days are November29th and 30th in Punta Roquita and Makaha in Miraflores. If selected, the talented youth will have access to state-of-the-art training facilities as well as endless insight from Sofia, Harold Koechlin and Javier Swayne.
“When I was young, I was lucky to have the support to allow me to chase my dreams,” said Sofia when the project launched. “Now I want to give Peru’s youth the opportunity to chase their dreams. I want to give back to my country, and to surfing.”
If you fit the criteria and are interested in signing up do it here.