When the Quiksilver Pro is in town, the atmosphere on the Gold Coast changes in every sense. For starters, the hundreds of surfers who surf Snapper Rocks on a daily basis are forced to surf elsewhere, making every other spot along the coast crowded and congested, to say the very least (as if it wasn’t crowded to begin with). But above all, you can really feel the intense surf vibe everywhere you go. Throughout the contest window you come across the world’s best surfers pretty much everywhere you go. It’s also a treat to exchange a few words with some of your heroes.
This year was a particularly interesting event, considering the big names like Kelly Slater, Mick Fanning, Julian Wilson, among many others, were eliminated from the contest so early. Conversely, this year at Snapper was one for the rookies and wildcards. And seeing Matt Wilkinson, an all time favorite, being crowned as the 2016 Quiksilver Pro Gold Coast champion was just a cherry on top. Could this Quiksilver Pro have been any better? I doubt it.
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