“When I’m surfing, I’m thinking about snowboarding, and when I’m snowboarding, I think about the best day surfing and being at the beach.” – Annie Boulanger
Shuttling between Whistler and Hawaii? Count me in.
For Annie Boulanger, it’s about the cycle. And for her, her life cycle is as much as a water cycle as the water cycle is a life cycle.
Yep, the lady shredder is living THE DREAM.
Even as a kid, Annie had big dreams: to travel the world. Her first time stepping on a plane? A flight to Whistler… talk about fate.
Since then, she has split time between “tropical, surf-laden locales and snowy backcountry destinations,” though she calls Whistler home.
But beyond living out her big dreams in true globe-trotting fashion, she figured out how to travel the world right — by saving money as she explored the furthest corners of our planet. And with friends everywhere she goes, from fellow travelers to the Runway Films crew she rolls with, she’s riding HIGH.
These days, as a professional snowboarder, she generally plans only one surf trip before heading back home for the season; but if the snow report doesn’t look right, then who’s to stop her from pushing her return trip out a couple days?
No one, that’s who.