You’re lucky if you’ve seen one of them – a woman dancing on the waves. She’s unified, completely free, and in tune with herself, the sea, and the rest of those with whom she shares the ocean. She moves poetically, admiring the waves as she rides. She allows the present moment to guide her creative motion. There is power at times, stillness at others, and expression always. With control and grace she is a goddess.
She uses her hips as she finds her chi. Her body balanced and in tune with the essential motion needed to unite the body, mind, and soul. She makes complexity look simple. She rides with the waves and it’s beautiful. But she’s not out there for any reason other than to continue her love story between her and the sea. It’s a magnificent story. It’s one of grand morals and great adventures that demands spontaneous action with a platform for ultimate flow. It’s a feeling of oneness. Only she knows she is moving with the earth and therefore is a brilliant part of it.
She watches the ocean with a look of awe. You can catch her staring, mesmerized by the movement. She skims the water’s surface gently with her hand, feeling the magnetic pull and connecting body to water. You can see her take a deep breath. You see she feels good and you recognize you do, too. She knows her time in the sea is medicine, a grand balancing technique from the ancients. She recognizes it as a gift of life and continues to pay it forward. She flows from water to land with the same appreciation for others as she feels for the sea. The next time you see her in the water, may her dance fill you with joy, too.