“I’ve bounced around a lot in my art. It’s like music, sometimes I want to listen to The Pixies and sometimes I want to listen to Willie Nelson. Visually, there are so many things I’m interested in, so its hard for me to not pick up different styles and techniques.” – Jeremiah Kille
Jeremiah Kille began by shaping surfboards. Yet the process was always more about design than craft for him, for his natural inclination was to delve into elaborate air brushing and experiment with paints. That took him to art school at 30, and has been painting full time since. It was only natural that he would come to use unorthodox techniques such as using resin, taping, and a mix of airbrush and hand painting wherever he can: canvases, walls, t shirts… anywhere goes.
As someone who always has to be creating something, whether it be paintings, surfboards, furniture or a future for his children, his creative energy is re-fuelled from surfing and getting on his bike. Though he says the presence of cycling in his daily life ebbs and flows, those are the things that makes everything seem to run smoother, and appear more clear.
For more from Max Houtzager and Terasu, be sure to visit them over at terasulife.com and check out their Vimeo. Also, don’t forget to Like them on Facebook, as well as follow them on Instagram and Twitter.