I have a confession to make. It’s not something I’m proud of, but I need to come clean. I have not only been watching Selling the O.C., but heavily invested in it.
I first became aware of it because I received a press release informing me that Tyler Stanaland, who was, in my head, the “Wedge/Catch Surf guy,” was apparently also a real estate agent with the O Group, and to be honest, I could not have been more uninterested in a reality show about real estate and kind of ignored it. But then my lovely fiancé came across it on Netflix and wanted to watch it. I did not want to watch it, so we compromised and watched it. And guess what? I hated how much I loved it. I loved it so much because I hated it.
And now here we are a few years later, and I cannot get enough of it. I even called him to talk about it. Anyway, last week we sat on the couch watching a recent episode, and I said aloud that I didn’t understand why they don’t show Stanaland’s surfing more. “He’s a pro,” said. “He’s one of the best guys at the Wedge. They should be showing that more!”
She looked at my like I was as dumb as I am. “That’s because more people care about the drama than surfing,” she told me. “Surfing isn’t as entertaining to most people as mansions and arguments are.”
She’s right, of course, although I tend to disagree. But Stanaland is a very good surfer, especially at the Wedge. He’s a very good realtor as well and he may be the realtor from Selling the O.C. to me, but he’s still the Wedge/Catch Surf guy in my head. And you know what? If his own IG bio has anything to say about it, he puts “Ocean Dweller” before “Home Seller.”