Kain Killcullen plays the part of “cool dad” rather well. When he’s not riding Ireland’s heavy slabs, he’s spending a good chunk of his free time towin’ his son Iad Finn, having ice cream. Sure, it’s the middle of winter, but when does the Emerald Isle warm up enough to truly be considered ice cream season? And that is really besides the point, as it is always ice cream season.
But while we’re making a meal out of the scoops he shares with his tyke, don’t worry: this edit is chock-full of those aforementioned slabs. To prove the point, there’s a hearty bottom turn at the :50 mark as he stalls for the barrel, a barrel he eventually breaks through the walls to get into. (Also, the soundtrack of The Human League’s “Things That Dreams Are Made Of” is definitely now on our summer playlists…thank you father Killcullen!)