Distributor of Ideas

The Inertia

Editor’s Note: This message is brought to you by our friends at MANDA Naturals.

It’s a dangerous misconception that people of color do not need sun protection. Tragically, more people of color diagnosed with skin cancer die from the disease than Caucasians, because it’s often detected too late.

In the interview above, the venerable Sal Masekela explains why he got involved in MANDA and why it’s so important to protect your skin regardless of your color.

“I’d borrow the sunblock from somebody, and they’d look at me like I’m crazy,” said Masekela. “Just because you don’t see me burning, doesn’t mean my skin doesn’t also get damaged.”

Masekela has unleashed all sorts of wisdom and knowledge with us over the years. Here’s a look at a recent interview on his first surf in South Africa, his conversation with Tom Carroll at EVOLVE, and our very first (HEADSPACE).

But what’s that song from the 1990s? What’s the advice?

Oh, yeah. Wear sunscreen.


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