Russell Bierke isn’t a guy who’ll tell you what he’s done. He’s not a guy who will stand on a mountain top and shout about his accomplishments. He will, however, go about accomplishing those accomplishments quietly. The things he does are so impressive that he doesn’t need to make the world know about them — hell, he’d be doing them even if no one knew he was — but the world takes notice because Russell Bierke is doing shit that is, quite frankly, pretty mind-blowing. And when a filmmaker like Andrew Kaineder decides to document that shit… well, we’re in for a good time.
“Amidst a boundless expanse of turbulent waves and remote seascapes, Bierke emerges as a silhouette on the horizon, the tempestuous waters his canvas,” says the description of Outer Edge of Leisure, a new film starring Bierke. “Each wave is not a battleground to conquer, but an opportunity to be in tune with the rhythm of the ocean’s pulse.”
Outer Edge of Leisure uses an interesting mix of black and white 16mm and Hi-Res cinematography. The film “takes you on a visual journey as Russell redefines his own idea of surfing as a leisure activity,” and, like anything else Bierke-related, it’s so worth the watch.