She may have been the only rookie on tour last year, but that is the last word you would use to describe Tatiana Weston-Webb. Fearless, explosive, determined, but not a rookie. Last year, she started the season at No. 16 on the Jeep Leaderboard and is now ranked No. 7 in the world.
An impressive feat for a nineteen-year-old, who has already set her sights on a new number, “I would kill to make top five,” she said.
Tatiana’s goals are well within her reach. Exuding a visceral tenacity that drew praise from announcers time and time again, she’s making waves in the professional surfing world with the poise of a veteran.
What event are you most looking forward to in 2016?
In 2016, I’m going to try and not focus on just one event, I’m going to think only about the contest that I have next, and I’ll see how it works. But, if I had to pick one, it would be Fiji! To me, Fiji is one of the most magical places in the world. The people are beyond sweet, the ocean is crystal clear, and it has two of the best lefts in the world, so it’s paradise for a goofy like me. I had two sessions there last year that I’ll never forget.
Was there any level of intimidation at the beginning of your rookie year?
Yes, but only to a certain extent. The intimidation came from mostly the big names like Carissa Moore, Stephanie, Sally, etc. But, I realized after Snapper that I couldn’t be intimidated anymore. It’s my job to make heats and I realized that I have to surf my best to beat those big names.
Did you get any tips or advice from any of the veterans on tour?
I wouldn’t say I got tips from any veterans, but a few of them said really kind words to me. It’s awesome receiving positive feedback from the people you’ve looked up to for a really long time.
Is there a wave where you feel like you have any unfinished business?
Yes, I feel like there are a few places that I didn’t really get to put 100 percent effort into it (for one reason or another), so this year hopefully I’ll get some redemption at a few events.
Is there anything you would like to see more of in women’s pro surfing?
I love the direction that women’s surfing is moving in. I think we are all surfing amazing and the tour has never been better. I’d like to see a few more lefts, and some bigger waves. It’s hard to pick a left that would suit the tour, maybe somewhere like Costa Rica, or Peru. It’s a hard call.
Are you pursuing any other endeavors outside of surfing?
No, not at the moment. I really wanted to continue schooling, but it’s really hard to balance a sport that’s so physically draining and still have enough mental energy at the end of the day to do classes. I’m super busy because I’m doing both the WQS and the WCT, and I also have a reality TV show in Brazil that we started filming for last year. We’ve already finished one season, and it’s debuting in April. So, I’ve definitely got more than a few things going on in my life. But I can’t complain.
You recently reached an Instagram milestone of nearly 100,000 followers. What’s the best part about being able to connect with fans? What are the downsides?
The best part is that no matter who they are or where they come from, they are your fan, and they believe in you. I still feel as if I’m just another normal person that surfs well. It’s an amazing feeling to know that I have people from all over the world supporting me. There are downsides because you have a few negative comments here and there. Sometimes it’s really hard to stay above them, but I usually try not to pay attention to the negative and just focus on the positive.
What is your advice for future rookies?
My advice for future rookies is to work hard, and be ready to beat your heroes!
Follow Tatianna on Instagram through her 2016 campaign!