Distributor of Ideas

The Inertia

Rob Machado is not a one-board man. If it floats, chances are good that Machado can make it go. He knows the ins-and-outs of surfboards; knows which small design tweaks will make the biggest changes. Surfboard shaping’s a funny thing — gaining something often means losing something else, so shapers are constantly looking for the right balance between speed and maneuverability. It’s a constant search, but Rob feels like he might’ve gotten closer than ever before. “We’ve been working on this board for years,” he says. “It’s all kind of come to fruition, and now it’s like… I have it. I have the board.”

Above, you can see Rob taking the Glazer for a test-drive at one of the best test tracks there is: the Surf Ranch. The video is part of an excerpt from Firewire’s podcast, The Wire. The Glazer, as you might have guessed, is named for acclaimed surf photographer Todd Glaser, but there’s another twist to the name. It’s also named for donut glaze because donut glaze is delicious and more things should be named for it. Todd was Rob’s original test pilot and design partner when creating the Glazer shape in LFT. And since not all waves are perfect all the time, Rob left the manufactured perfection of the Surf Ranch and took it to decidedly worse conditions at his home break of Seaside.

Listen to the full podcast, here. 


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