Last month, Rip Curl launched a “virtual competition” where users of its Search GPS smartwatch could upload the data collected by the watch during surf sessions and enter to win a trip to Fiji. The contest was aptly named, The Rip Curl Virtual Pro.
“When Rip Curl Search GPS smartwatch users logged a session during the 10-day competition, their surf data was automatically entered,” says Ricki Green of Campaign Brief. “Data logged was analyzed and scored by a unique algorithm based on five key criteria: distance paddled, surf time, total waves surfed, top speed, longest waves and the number of surfs, culminating in a final score.”
Smartwatch users who qualified were then sent an email with a video that depicted a rundown of their data from the contest timeframe, which they could share to social media using the #ripcurlvirtualpro hashtag in order to enter into the competition. Those who did are in the running for a five-person trip to Namotu Island, Fiji. The winner will be announced on June 5.
The marketing campaign perhaps stretches the definition of “competition,” instead feeling more like a sweepstakes rebranded as such, but it’s an interesting idea nonetheless. Smartwatches like the Search GPS and others allow surfers to collect data in a way that was unavailable before the information age. The WSL has, of course, already outfitted its competitors with Apple watches in order to keep them appraised of their current score and situation during a heat. However, the watches are not yet used to evaluate their actual performance.
In the case of the Virtual Pro, which does not appear to pair its smartwatch data with accompanying video of actual surfing, I am instantly reminded of a friend who attempted to win a friendly fitness competition by attaching their Apple Watch to a dog. I’m certainly curious to see who has the most impressive Powerpoint slide of GPS data. But I’m dying to know if anyone is trying to find new and innovative ways to juke their stats. Will an extended session in the bowl at the Venice beach skate park qualify? Could someone figure out a way to attach a Search GPS to a dolphin for maximum results?
If nothing else, it’s a very clever marketing strategy on the part of VMLY&R Australia, the marketing agency that worked with Rip Curl both to build the Search GPS watch and to create the Virtual Pro campaign. Whether this means anything for the world of flesh-and-blood surf competition has yet to be seen.