The Inertia for Good Editor

Who do you think threw the first punch after this one? Photo: Nick Liotta

The Inertia

Getting a wave to yourself when Rincon is pumping is no small task. The crowd is thick. The point is packed. And the local crew knows how to manage it all. That doesn’t leave a whole bunch of waves going untouched because even if you’re already on your feet and screaming down the line there’s always a chance somebody is foaming at the mouth, just hoping to swing around and drop in because, guess what, they’ve been waiting for three hours for one themselves.

I’m being pessimistic, of course, because there are days at Rincon when one is all you need. One good one to go home grinning ear to ear.

This clip that’s making its way around the internet now features a wave nobody could be mad at. It was captured by a local Santa Barbara photographer, Nick Liotta.

Sure, there’s more than one person on the wave. Two surfers at one point and a guy on a surf mat for good measure. But they were all sharing it with a pod of dolphins. Not just one dolphin, but a handful of them. And that’s a once-in-a-lifetime party wave that’d soften up even the saltiest of souls.


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