Editor’s Note: These pieces are intended to offer a deeper look into each episode of surfer Fergal Smith‘s Line9 series, Growing, a new clip published every two weeks. The series is a year in the life of Smith and his brother With a new clip published every two weeks, the series follows them as they take a step back from the rat race while spending days tending to a sustainable garden and surfing the readily available Irish slab.
Author’s Note: My main reason for doing this series is for showing the what else I’m passionate about — aside from surfing — and to try to promote all the good, positive things that people are doing.
Wow, it is all over… but what a year that was! It is mad to look back at all that has happened. And this is just the beginning.
The best part in putting together this sort of reflective edit is to look back at all the people we met — what legends they all are. I hope our introductions to these folk inspired you viewers as they inspired me.
This was the first time I have ever tried to marry surfing with my non-surfing pursuits, and I am so glad we did. Ultimately, it gave us a newfound scope on what sort of surfing was fun to watch. A handful of edits included footage that would never have made a more “serious” edit, but it made for fun viewing anyway.
My brother and I grew up watching Litmus, which is why we included the talk and link in this last installment. It has always inspired us, so we wanted to honor it the best we could. Our good friend Derek, who wrote quite a few of the tunes for the series, also loves Litmus. And being a keen Irish surfer himself, he felt rather inclined cover the Litmus soundtrack and have it play over the final few clips. My hat goes off to Derek and the everyone else who made the music — it is very special to hear it over my surfing.
Now that the series has ended, what next? Who knows. We might do something like it again as people really seemed to enjoy it. But that doesn’t need to be decided yet.
For me, the future is about furthering what I began to explore. This was my first proper year growing food, but we are already back at it; it feels like this is my calling, my mission, not only in growing it myself but encouraging others to do the same. It is just a matter of teaching people the basics. Growing your own food, and being able to spend your days outdoors as a result, is priceless. I really do believe everyone belongs in a garden. And, quite frankly, nothing tastes better than homegrown food!
Then there is the addition of our baby girl, Sunshine. Along with the gardening and having the opportunity to lay down my roots here (not traveling and all), I feel more grounded and, thereby, happier than ever before. Having a strong connection to the place you live is irreplaceable. And the world class waves right around the corner isn’t all that bad, either!
Anyway, thank you all so much for taking the time to watch the Growing series; I’m sending only good vibes your way. But, as I said before, this is merely the beginning. Until next time, please check in with us at the Moy Hill community garden website and sign up to our newsletter if you want to keep iup to date with what is going on over here.
Lastly, please do look us up if your ever in our area. All the best, my friends. Happy surfing and planting.