Legendary Kiwi surf photographer Rambo Estrada has just released a whopping 304-page hardcover book of stunning imagery and text, making it the thickest, heaviest and most ambitious surf culture book New Zealand has ever seen.
“For the book, I used the same process as throughout my career,” Estrada told The Inertia. “Which is to spend as much time on the road as I can, be at the beach before the sun comes up, stay till dark and hope for the best.”
Titled Unbound: Vol 1, the book chronicles an 18-month road trip around every nook and cranny of both New Zealand islands. He was at pains to ensure each image features no signs of civilization, apart from the odd beach shack, and the surfers. Sixty percent of the images in the book have never been published, though he has included what he calls a few of his “classic hits.”
“It should give you the feeling that these waves are in the middle of nowhere, even if some aren’t,” he said. “I didn’t name any locations or give any signs. The goal is to keep it mysterious so that people might think there’s a load of cool stuff out there and go exploring themselves.”
Estrada has developed a huge social media following based on his unique ability to capture the stunning lineups of New Zealand. Yet it’s not just the epic waves; the quality surf is usually framed by the raw beauty of its isolated coastlines and its quirky offbeat charm.
“I notice here in Oz most surfers have their zones (I was talking to Estrada from his van parked in the Snapper Rocks carpark. It was his “third full moon” on the Goldy, and part of an annual winter trip where he leaves the camera at home and goes surfing in warmer waters) and they’ll go an hour south or an hour north and that’s where 95 percent of their surfing is done. In New Zealand, I consider the whole country to be my zone.”
Estrada will often drive 24 hours from his home at Mt. Maunganui on the North Island to the southern tip of the South Island if the conditions are right. “That’s why the book was so satisfying. It gave me a focus and justified me spending all this time and money that could be spent doing responsible things that a grownup is supposed to be doing,” he laughed.
Within the road trip theme, Estrada linked in with 12 different characters from all over the country he thought were integral to Kiwi surf culture and iconic in their local area. The book chronicles those conversations, as well as action shots of the surfers including Kehu Butler, Daniel Davie, Ella Williams, Luke Hughes, Finn Vette, Geoff Hutchison, Paige Hareb, Jai Earnshaw, Gauranga Ormond, Maz Quinn and Jordan Griffin.
Unbound: Volume 1 is currently available for pre-order at RamboEstrada.co.nz and is due out in October.