There are a lot of creative little gadgets and trinkets designed to make your saltwater obsessed life enjoyable. Whether or not they make you a better surfer is a totally different story, so this is the segment of a surfer’s budget that usually doesn’t get a large chunk of devoted loot.
Enter Deflow‘s Wax Kit. It’s pretty. It has a nifty little comb that acts as a lid, so basically as long as you have this thing (and keep it stocked) you’re not going to be bumming around for ways to either wax your board, scrape your board, or tack up the existing coat. All this is rad so far. It’s made of wood, which keeps your wax from melting in the car (the fate of 90% of bars of wax purchased by this guy) because it’s a “non-thermal conductive material.” Some people will pass on it and complain they only made the Sex Wax friendly circular carrier, but whatever. I don’t think the exclusivity of selling to Mr. Zog’s loyalists is what’s going to make or break this thing taking over the market. No, it’s the price tag.
If you have a little more than $40 and can’t think of anything better to spend your money on this baby can be yours. For instance, if you’d rather have this than $40 of actual wax? Hey, at least that’s money you don’t have to spend getting the inside of your car detailed from melted wax stains.