Tim Nunn is a photographer and writer from the United Kingdom. He has been involved in media for the last 18 years, starting life as a film camera man, shooting video and 16mm back in the mid nineties. About 10 years ago he ended up sharing an office for a couple of years with Surfer’s Path magazine and through the inspiration he gained there and from his best friend who was editor of Surf Europe magazine he switched from moving picture to still image. He became staff photographer for Europe’s oldest surfing magazine, Wavelength, a year later and then a year after became editor for a total of seven years. He is now freelance again, writing, photographing and filming. His passion is getting to places which are remote and inhospitable, to coastlines which have been little explored and all of these mostly in the colder northern reaches of the planet. Most recently He has been working with Californian surfer and film maker Timmy Turner on his new film Cold Thoughts. He has been shooting the still images from the trips for a little book as well.
View more from Tim Nunn at timnunn.co.uk.