A self portrait of the artist: Juan Fernandez.
Juan Fernandez (Gijón, Spain, 1978) first took up photography at the age of 15, and after only a few months, he had his first photograph published in a surfing magazine. Since then, he has specialized as a photographer and journalist in the surf industry, in both advertising and publishing. He studied photography at the CEV Center in Madrid, Spain and holds a degree in Journalism.
During this time, he has worked, among others, for companies like Quiksilver, Billabong, Volcom, Oakley, O´Neill, Pukas, Reef, Lost and Slash. His work has been widely featured throughout the world in publications such as Surfer Rule, The Surfer’s Path, Surf Europe, Surfer Magazine, Surf News, The Surfer’s Journal, Glide Japan, National Geographic Travel, Spanish National Geographic book and Blue Magazine.