Co-Founder/CEO at WAVES International

The Inertia

I met Henry over five years ago when he was just getting acquainted with riding waves. Somebody gave him a bodyboard and, at that time, he was small enough to stand on it and surf the waves that way. It didn’t take long before he started riding surfboards, and man, seeing him in the water now – he rips!

Not only has he progressed as a surfer, but as a photographer as well. He’s a humble guy with a great eye. His first exposure to photography was during the making of CAPTURE: A WAVES Documentary, a short film shot in 2010. In 2011, with the the Surf Resource Network, he was published on the Matuse website. Now, he is poised to launch his own photography business in earnest. In an effort to help him do that, he’s shared with us the photos you see here.

Check out his page on FBhis twitter account, and his blog. Currently, you can get a canvas wrap of a photo of his from earlier this year he generously donated to this online auction.


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