I have a passionate affair with the ocean, and, like most surfers, it keeps me grounded. Born on a small island off of Vancouver Island on Canada’s west coast, I have always had water to play in at my front step. My dad is an old fisherman, and my mom is an all-around artistic person. I’m lucky to say that my fire for an alternative lifestyle and photography was well fed with support from friends and family.
I’ve been shooting photos and capturing video for five years now, and have compiled some quality work. In the last year, I’ve mostly been contributing to the growth of a Canadian video based website, Gotsurf.ca, who aim to showcase Canadian surfing and the people involved. Now living full time in Tofino, BC, you can catch me out there rain or shine. If it’s raining, I’m in the water, and if it’s sunny, I’ll be perched on a rock overlooking the Pacific Ocean with a couple of neon suited surfers in my view finder.
To see more of Adam’s work, click here.