The Inertia for Good Editor

Surf Scrapbook / Youtube

The Inertia

The massive seasonal migration of pro surfers to the North Shore has been in the rearview mirror for a while now. The Championship Tour left town. Every window for big wave contests has come and gone. And many pros have packed their bags and turned their attention to other parts of the world, where swells are starting to fill in thanks to the change in seasons.

This is always great news for North Shore regulars who call the place home. The crowds become more manageable and despite the calendar turning over to spring, the Pacific Ocean still provides wave energy aimed at the Seven Mile Miracle. On occasion, those waves end up being really, really good. Like when you get Pipeline in mid-winter form, as documented below.

According to the YouTube page Surf Scrapbook, these incredible conditions blessed the North Shore on March 24 – and for a handful of diehards and those who never packed their bags to hit the road, it was as good as it gets.


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