Get ready for one of the greatest barrel-riding events in the world. Photo: Capito Perfeito//Instagram

There are a whole pile of surfing events these days, but a few stand out. One in particular stands out a little more than the rest for me: Capitulo Perfeito. And, for the tenth year, organizers are getting ready to fire the starter’s gun.
If you’re not familiar with the event, here’s a quick rundown: a one-day contest with a focus on tube-riding, Capitulo Perfeito is an invite-only contest that features some of the best barrel surfers in the world. It’s been held at a few places in Portugal — Nazaré, Supertubos, and Carcavelos — and the man in charge of the whole thing, Rui Costa, is committed to running the event on the absolute best day of the Portuguese winter. It’s a tough gig, though, because pulling the trigger means he’ll be responsible for a whole bunch of people from all over the world sprinting through airports to make it, all with about 72 hours before the first heat.
“We have a commitment to the fans, where we only give the go-ahead for the contest when we can guarantee a proper show,” said Costa. “We have the best tube riders in the world in the Perfect Chapter, guys who can go out and get 10-point rides in conditions that are practically impossible for the average surfer, so we’ll wait for a day that can put them to the test.”
I’ve been lucky enough to be on the beach for the event a handful of times, and unlike a lot of other events, I have yet to see one that runs in sub-par conditions. Costa is a man who knows his stuff when it comes to flicking on the green light, and it shows. Although the event is a roving one, this year it’ll be held at Carcavelos, a stunningly beautiful beach that sits on the coast of Cascais. The wave there is not an easy one to surf. The current flows like a fast-moving river, the peaks are shifty, and the barrels are lightning fast. It’s fickle, too, but when it’s on, it’s one of the best waves in a country full of incredible waves.
“The wave is really good when it works,” Nic von Rupp, who has won the event multiple times, told me in 2020. “It’s twenty minutes from Lisbon. There’s local support from Lisbon, and the Perfect Chapter is all about great waves. Carcavelos has that — on its day, it’s fucking insane. You have to be on it in terms of forecasting, though. It’s a tough one. It’s an amazing beach break, but it’s not an everyday thing.”
Since this is the tenth year, this edition of Capitulo Perfeito is a special one. Although the contenders aren’t 100 percent yet, rumor has it that the previous winners are invited, along with five huge new names. Among those confirmed are Tiago Pires, Nic von Rupp, Bruno Santos, Aritz Aranburu, William Aliotti, and Anthony Walsh. Prize money, too, has been bumped up. If this year is anything like the previous ones, spectators and surfers alike are in for one hell of a show.
Keep an eye on the event at Capituloperfeito.com, or follow The Perfect Chapter on Instagram. Check back here for updates and coverage.