Distributor of Ideas

The Inertia

Noah Beschen is all grown up. His surfing surely supports that notion as he’s one of the most talented young shredders on the planet (when are we going to see him on the CT?). But in his latest edit, he explores art of a different kind – the cinematic. In YRUYNN, he and his friends turn a surf edit into a mini film, where teenage angst meets the pursuit of waves, and they actually blend together in a somewhat believable scenario. There are a number of ideas being explored – drugs, relationships, young people navigating a technology-driven world – but one thing still manages to stand out: Noah can do it all on a board from barrels to airs to turns. That certainly doesn’t get lost in this attempt at cinematic gold.  Judging by the reaction in the comments section on YouTube, YRUYNN seems destined for a sequel.


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