Madeira Island isn’t called “the Hawaii of the Atlantic” for nothing. The water is crystal clear. The climate sub-tropical. The flora lush, the waves perfect. It’s a wonderful place, made even better by the fact that it’s in Portugal, a land of fine dining, fine wine, and even finer people. And the gem of Madeira is a wave called Jardim do Mar, which could easily toss its hat in the ring for the best big-wave-point-break-in-the-world award. If there were such a thing.
Nic Von Rupp recently made his way to Madeira, where he was joined by Torrey Meister, Grant “Twiggy” Baker, Miguel Blanco, Lourenço Katzenstein, and João Maria Mendonça. The day was a special one. Nic called it the “swell of the decade,” and after watching the footage, it’s not a hyperbolic description.