Nathan Florence must have done something to enrage the gods of air travel. For the second time in a year, the freesurfer and slab hunter has arrived in an exotic locale, only to find his bags did not follow. “Bag update: No bags, no boards, no clothes,” recounts Florence while driving along the coast of northern Scotland. “We called every airport we could and no one seems to care or have an update on what the bags are doing.”
Undeterred, Nathan managed to keep up the search with borrowed boards. The resulting video shows off the frigid, unforgiving slabs pounding away at Scotland’s northern coast, what Florence describes in the title as, “Wedge On The Rocks.”
For anyone looking to travel in his footsteps, Nathan had some sage words of advice: “Airports and airlines, they hate bags. They especially hate surfboard bags, and apparently they hate pink, hard-shelled suitcases. So be careful traveling with those items”