Photo: Nathan Florence // YouTube

Attention spans seem to shrink every year. Television shows gave way to YouTube videos, which were then supplanted by TikTok. Articles became listicles. Soon, ChatGPT is poised to become the Cliffs Notes to everything.
Every once in a while, though, we still get something to sink our teeth into that’s long-form. The latest comes from an unlikely place: the YouTube channel of Nathan Florence. In a distinct departure from his regularly scheduled programming, the North Shore surfer just posted a four hour-long surf edit of firing Cloudbreak.
That number might sound a bit ridiculous, but that’s also because it’s also not really a surf edit, so much as a screensaver. “Something different for you guys who have Surf shops, cafes, restaurants, or want some epic Cloudbreak for a background on the TV while you work!” wrote Florence in the description. “We will probably release a bunch of these from our prettiest sessions for our business owning friends! And anyone who loves 120 as much as me.”