Nate Florence on either a triple barrel or one barrel with three sections. Is there really much difference? Photo: YouTube//Screenshot

Nate Florence is always one of the guys to watch when it’s barreling. He really shines when the waves are so round that almost no one else wants them, but when it’s a little more of a manageable barrel… well, Nate’s there too.
After a recent run of swell finally began to calm down on the North Shore, Nate, along with quite a few others, had a couple of swings at Backdoor and Pipeline. Off Da Lip, the YouTube channel responsible for the clip you see here, calls Nate’s wave a “triple barrel,” which could be debatable.
What’s not debatable, however, is that Nate’s wave at the 2:15 mark was one of the better Backdoor waves that came through. When that happens, it’s likely that one of the three Florence brothers is going to be on it.