My favorite thing about summer is that there are a lot of beach days. You always look forward to going down there with your friends, posting up all day, bringing a lot of fun boards… just messing around. It’s fun.
Whenever I’m home, it’s really fun. Summertime in Florida’s always like, one-foot, but Smyrna always has kind of a waist high wave with little air sections. It’s really fun. Whenever I am home, it’s a joy just to be there. You get to go down the beach, surf… little air wedges. It’s a good time. Surf with all the friends and hang out.
Editor’s Note: My Summer Bucket List is a new series powered by Red Bull that encourages you to make summer count. Comment below or tag @redbulllax with the hashtag #makesummercount and @theinertia on Instagram or on the Make Summer Count Website, and tell us what’s on your bucket list. We’ll compile the best ones and include yours in our ultimate summer bucket list in September!
Check out Ian Walsh’s summer bucket list here, and Kolohe Andino’s here.