Proud to be surfing this Memorial Day Weekend. Photo: Nick Allen/James Whelan/Shutterstock

The waves were not great; in fact they were really small. But this morning before we got to the beach, I decided that I was going to get in the water no matter what.
On this day, I have no obligations, no particular place to be. I proudly wear the uniform for the Coast Guard and used to serve in the Army. Because of my service I get to enjoy a day off because it’s a federal holiday. However, not everyone in the military is relaxing at home enjoying a day off.
Today I chose to paddle out and surf in honor of the men and women who cannot go out and do what they want today. It was for the men and women who are deployed overseas and away from their family. It was in honor of men and women who have been wounded. And it was to honor the men and women who never got a chance to come home.
Today is a day of remembering. While getting in the water and surfing may not seem like much of a memorial, I did it because on this day I can, and many of my brothers and sisters in arms can not.
Thank you for your service. A day like today makes me proud to wear the uniform.