Yesterday, an Indonesian boat capsized during a crossing from Nias to the Banyak Islands, stranding four Australian surf tourists and three Indonesian crew members. After several days lost at sea, all four Australians and two of the three Indonesians have been found, according to The Guardian.
A catamaran captained by an Australian ex-pat first found Steph Weisse, then Will Teagle and Jordan Short floating on surfboards in the water near Sarung Alu. However, Elliot Foote was not among them, having paddled off to a nearby island to seek help.
Back in Sydney, Elliot’s father, Peter Foote, was left anxiously waiting to hear news about his son when he finally received a text from Elliot: “Hey Dad, Elliot here. I am alive, safe now, love you. Chat later.” In fact, Peter was with reporters at the time, and the moment was caught on camera.
Elliot had been found several hours later by a local fisherman over 20 miles away, near the island of Pulau Palambakbesar, as The Guardian reports. Elliot was then taken to a nearby surf camp in Nias where he sent the text.
However, the good news has been tempered by the fact that one Indonesian crew member is still missing.
“Two of the three Indonesian crew have also been located. Our thoughts are with the family of the third crew member, for whom the search continues,” said a spokesperson for the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. “The Australian government expresses its deep gratitude to the Indonesian authorities and others involved in the search and rescue efforts.”
Peter Foote told The Guardian that Elliot and his friends had only sustained minor injuries, none of which required a visit to the hospital. The group has decided to stay on for the rest of their surfing trip, despite the ordeal. “He’s with his best mates, the weather’s coming good and the surf is fantastic,” said Foote.