Mikey February’s the king of style. The man can, and will, surf anything and look good doing it: finless, mid-length, and particularly the twinnies that were once relegated to the hipster quiver. His dedication to exploring the wide world beyond a thruster template even led to a collaboration with CI on the design for their Twin Pin.
When he drops an edit, it makes you immediately want to go out and get whatever alternative watercraft he’s ripping it up on. Then, after hours of struggling , wondering why you can’t get it to gracefully carve like a high performance shortboard, you realize, “Oh, right, I’m not Mikey February.”
In this video from JBAY TV, Mikey travels to the famous Jeffrey’s Bay to once again remind us that he can make a twin fin perform in ways we only dream of. The video was shot by Mike Ruthnum, edited by Michael Monk, and is a collaboration with Parkoff Music Festival 2023, the official music event of the 2023 Corona J-Bay Open.