For some pro surfers, falling off tour is a heartbreaking affair. Everything you’ve worked your entire life for just lying there in a heap of equal 25ths. For others, it’s a rebirth. A freeing from the shackles of high-performance thrusters and point chasing and mind games. Arguably, Mikey February’s CT exit is as exciting a transition into the world of being a full-time free surfer as that of Dane Reynolds or Mick Fanning.
And speaking of Mick, doesn’t this setup in West Africa look familiar if it were just a little bigger? There’s a lot of vague hinting in the video description:
“Rumor and research led Michael February to a small fishing town, a mythical wave, and the hypnotic music of West Africa. As the songs of fisherman fill the backing track we record the rhythm of local musicians and the dancers that work magic within it. A world away, where rhythm can ease the tensions of real life, we witness the pure joy of a lone surfer laying down a groove on an endless wave.”