The Drug Aware Margaret River Pro was an event full of shiny newness. To begin with, this was the first year it was a World Tour event. Then part of the contest was run at The Box. And then, to top it all off, a man who has never won an ASP event held up the trophy.
Michel Bourez, to be exact. To be fair, the final was made up of two always-the-bridesmaids-never-the-brides – Josh Kerr sat out there with Bourez. And what a funny pair! Kerr, the aerial-wonder. Like a cat, always landing in his feet. Spending more time above the lip than below. That’s Josh Kerr. And Bourez, the Spartan. The man with the legs like tree trunks. Making waves with his forehand gouges. Waves on waves on waves. That’s Bourez. It’s like Legolas vs Bill Huggins, only Kerr’s sexuality isn’t suspect and Bourez doesn’t turn to stone when he’s in the sun. Instead, Bourez wins events. And it’s about damn time!