Mason Ho and Federico Vanno are the perfect teamup for some exquisite slow motion footage. Photo: Mason Ho // YouTube

Mason Ho and Federico Vanno are the perfect pairing for some exquisite slow-motion footage. Photo: Mason Ho//YouTube

The Inertia

Sometimes you just need time to appreciate something. In this case, that means looking at Mason Ho ripping Indonesian surf from the lens of a slow-motion camera.

The footage comes courtesy of Federico Vanno. Though he’s been a prominent Bali photographer for years now, Vanno had a long and winding road to that point. In a past life, the Rome, Italy, native was a Coca-Cola executive, until he up and decided to leave it all behind. “I took a long detour away from surfing, I admit, but I woke up one morning and looked in the mirror and made a personal decision,” he told The Inertia in a 2020 interview. “I quit my job, got the love of my life back, married her, and dedicated myself to photographing the sport I loved. Basically, I just began being me again.”

Mason, conversely, has never strayed from the path of the waves. You could even say it’s his birthright, as the son of Michael Ho, nephew of Derek Ho, and sister of Coco. However, though he’s the scion of a true surfing dynasty, he’s made sure to never rest on his laurels. Time and time again, Ho has proven his bona fide talent in edit after explosive edit.

Though they meet at opposite ends of vastly different paths, Vanno and Ho are a perfect fit for one another, as you can see in the video below.


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