Mason Ho spends the majority of his life trying to have fun. It’s a good way to live, if you think about it — we only have a finite amount of time here, and to spend it doing things that don’t make you happy seems like a bit of a waste of the miraculousness of being born. Of course, we can’t all be professional surfers who surf for a living, but Mason is taking full advantage.
Despite the fact that 2021 was a bit odd, to say the least, Mason still managed to squeeze a whole lot of fun out of the lemon. And when your life consists of surfing and filming said surfing, you end up with a LOT of footage. Since we’re now a few days into 2022 — which surely must be the future — here’s an entire hour of Mason Ho’s 2021 highlights. It’s not all surfing, either, because despite the fact that surfing is very fun, so is a lot of the rest of life.